Dental Implants

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Dental Implants

Dental implants include a titanium body and a custom crown, which gives you a stable and attractive permanent tooth replacement. At Allan D. Schulman, DDS, LLC, in Glen Burnie, Maryland, Dr. Schulman customizes your dental implants for your needs. You can get dental implants for just one tooth, for a group of teeth, or for all the teeth in your mouth. Reach out for a consultation by phone or using the online scheduler today.

Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?
Dental implants are the most efficient way to replace missing teeth today. There are two components of dental implants: a titanium post that goes in your jaw and a custom crown that screws into the post.
What are the advantages of dental implants?

Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement solution for many reasons. They offer the following advantages:

  • Natural appearance
  • Comfort
  • Improved chewing
  • Improved speaking
  • Permanency
  • Minimal maintenance  

Additionally, dental implants help you retain healthy gum tissue and bone density in your jaw. If you have removable dentures, you lose both gum tissue and bone over time. Of course, the same is true if you have open tooth sockets without tooth replacement. 

That gum and bone loss can even negatively alter the shape of your face. Fortunately, dental implants or an implant and denture hybrid, All-on-4®, can help you maintain both your appearance and your oral health.

Are dental implants right for me?

Dental implants require stable and healthy bone, so if you’ve already lost bone or have weak bone, you might not be an ideal candidate. But, there are a couple of options even if that’s the case. Bone grafting, in which you grow new healthy bone or undergo a bone transfer, can help you develop the bone needed to support dental implants. 

All-on-4 might also be a good option if you don’t have sufficient healthy bone for full-mouth dental implants. Because All-on-4 uses only four implants per arch, and the posterior implants are slightly tilted to accommodate for bone loss, your bone density isn’t an issue. 

Use online booking or call Allan D. Schulman, DDS, LLC, to book your dental implant consultation today.

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