Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening

When you want significant results, over-the-counter teeth-whitening products just don’t get the job done. That’s why the expert dentistry team at Allan D. Schulman, DDS, LLC, in Glen Burnie, Maryland, offers two effective and convenient options for professional teeth whitening. You can get whiter teeth in just one in-office session or in a few weeks at home. Book your teeth-whitening appointment online or by phone today.

Teeth Whitening Q&A

What is the in-office teeth-whitening procedure like?

In-office teeth whitening is the fastest way to get the smile you want. Before getting started, Dr. Schulman uses a cheek and lip retractor to expose your teeth and places small goggles over your eyes. Next, he applies a clear whitening gel to your teeth. Dr. Schulman uses a whitening gel strength appropriate for you. Strengths range from 25 to 40% hydrogen peroxide content.

The next step is laser light, which Dr. Schulman shines directly onto the whitening gel. Tiny crystals within the whitening gel absorb the laser light, and this allows the gel to move into the upper layers of tooth enamel and bleach the teeth. 

The total treatment time can vary based on your whitening needs, but in general, it takes 30-90 minutes. Typically, it only takes one in-office whitening session to get the results you want.

How does teeth whitening at home work?

Dr. Schulman starts by creating a custom plastic teeth-whitening tray. It fits directly over your teeth, leaving just enough room for the ideal amount of whitening gel to adhere to each tooth. You’ll take the custom whitening trays and a supply of whitening gel home after your appointment at Allan D. Schulman, DDS, LLC. 

Whitening sessions at home can vary in duration depending on your whitenings plans. You might need daily sessions of anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. For major whitening, you might need to wear the whitening trays overnight. Dr. Schulman will advise you of the ideal whitening plan. In general, home whitening takes 2-3 weeks, but it varies by patient.

How long will my teeth stay white?

Teeth-whitening results often last for a year or even longer. If you stay away from the things that stained your teeth whenever possible, you’ll extend the life of your whitening efforts. 

Avoid dark beverages like coffee, tea, and sodas. Use a straw to prevent teeth staining if you continue consuming these drinks. Other common teeth-stainers include red wine, cigarettes, soy sauce, and tomato sauce.

Get whiter teeth and gain more confidence by calling the office of Allan D. Schulman, DDS, LLC, or using online scheduling to book your appointment for teeth whitening now.

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