
Flossing is a very important daily step in maintaining good oral hygiene. Dental floss is a thin string that can be waxed, unwaxed, plain or flavored. The technique can be awkward to do at first, but with practice, flossing will become easier and together with brushing, should be a part of ones daily routine.

The proper technique used in flossing is to wrap the floss between the thumb and forefinger of both hands and beginning with the molars, wrap the floss around each tooth, working it up and down several times on each side of the tooth. This motion will remove food particles and more importantly, it will remove the plaque that builds up. Flossing may cause some minor bleeding at first but after a few times, the bleeding should stop. Flossing should be done at least once a day, in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy.


Crowns are caps that restore your tooth function and appearance. When you have a root canal procedure, a cracked tooth, a loose filling, or other types of damage, a crown is usually the ideal restoration. At the office of Allan D.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most efficient way to replace missing teeth today. There are two components of dental implants: a titanium post that goes in your jaw and a custom crown that screws into the post.

Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is the fastest way to get the smile you want. Before getting started, Dr. Schulman uses a cheek and lip retractor to expose your teeth and places small goggles over your eyes.

Emergency Dentistry

Emergency dentistry includes urgent care for all types of sudden damage to your teeth, gums, and other tissues in your mouth. When you experience sudden mouth damage, you need care immediately.

Pediatric Dentistry

Arrange your child’s first visit to the dentist when they get their first tooth, or when they’re 12 months old, whichever comes first. You can stay with your child during the exam — they can even sit on your lap.


A veneer is a thin porcelain or resin composite sheet that's custom-sized to fit the front of your tooth. Veneers match the color of the teeth around them so they look natural. Dr. Schulman bonds the veneers to your teeth, so they’re very sturdy. Typically, veneers last about 10-15 years.


Amalgam fillings are an alloy containing elemental mercury, silver, tin, copper, and other metals. Although mercury can be harmful alone, the other ingredients stabilize the mercury and make it safe and effective for fillings.


Dentures replace lost teeth. They're made using acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic resin and various metals for strength.

All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 is a hybrid of dental implants and dentures. It’s ideal for replacing an entire arch (top or bottom), or for full-mouth tooth replacement.

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